Plot Synopsis: April Fools day has arrived, and Luan is up to no good with her pranks again. Its a chocolate cake. Leni: Don't run away again, you had me worried sick there! Luna notices Luan leaving. But the 1st 3 people infected move around more often. She always has a positive and cheerful attitude. Luna: You sure, dude? Luan Loud Lincoln: Eh, I'd say she is, but anyways, here I am, in all my glory. *Lincoln starts to get out of Clyde's bed, as Luna is facing the opposite way Lincoln came out, the right, which Lincoln came out of the left, he then joined Luna on the bed*. I am free today. Hope things get better sooner. I am just happy to help out my sister. Relatives This Fanfiction was based on a RP. ")BurritosCooking with her father (as of "Feast or Family")Mime actsCorn dogsLeni's driving outfitSpaghettiKnitting, Non-permitted web videos of othersHer pranks being ruinedLincoln being bulliedScience fiction movies (sometimes)Missing April Fool's DayPrincess PonySophisticated partiesKnock-knock jokes (sometimes)Nobody liking her comedyLynn being competitiveWrong punchlinesHaving her leftovers being stolenStage frightBeing too shyHer spotlight being takenSomeone gets attention more than herLola's bratty behaviorSomeone more talented than herJapanese mecha figuresPimples/zitsMr. Although only shown thrice, these gag flowers are filled with water. Lincoln: You all don't get itBECAUSE I WAS SWEATING LIKE CRAZY, I FELT LIKE FAINTING AND PEOPLE WERE INSULTING ME, ALL WHILE I WAS IN THAT SUIT!! CoconutsHer siblingsClownsMexican foodMac and cheese bitesMashed potatoesBananasMarco Polo (the game)Sock puppetry"funny"-side up eggs (eggs with square yolks)PuppetsBurpin' BurgerDairylandBalloon animalsChocolateDream BoatScaring LeniPopcornBrowniesBraiding Lucy's hairPlaying her game consoleRabbitsHughWild partiesDessert StormLincoln having a conniptionPizzaChocolate cakeIce creamBeef stroganoff ("You know I can't get anoff of it! they already made up a few hours after the episode, at least I think so. Clyde: Do you think something's really wrong with her? Lincoln: They're coming for mejust so they can buy me a new one then I'll be tortured every single day *Later, Lincoln hears footsteps into Clyde's room*. Friends Also, if you have a story you want to have narrated, send a link to it in the comment section below.Disclaimer: All credit for the original artwork and soundtracks goes to the original creators. Luan is a sophomore (a freshman in Sea sons 1- 4) at Royal Woods High School and attends school with her siblings Leni and Luna. Voicemail: Hey, this is Lori Loud. Lincoln: (in his mind) Or doing one by one is off the tableoh well. Stella: (to Lincoln on phone) This is Stella to Lincoln. Plot: When Luan's not feeling well Leni has to make her better while the other Louds are out. In that same episode, Luan says the biggest rule when making a video is to always keep your camera running. *He opens his window and chucks the squirrel suit onto the road, where it got ran over and crushed*. This is my first fanfic so other than the fact its another NSL fanfic, tell me what you think and if I should make more. But they can't hear them talking.). Howard: That's rough, buddy. (gives her a club), (Lori drops her ball on the tee, and aims for the hole. I was sweating like crazy, I was on the verge of fainting, I was being insulted, now I got beat up by you all, even Leni! In "Kings of the Con", Luan attends an Ace Savvy convention cosplaying as the Joker. The final chapter of my Loud House fanfiction!Music used:Temple Of Seasons Remix - Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsEternal Hope - Kevin MacLeodThe Purest S. In "Time Trap! Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own. Years have passed since the explosion and the wo /This story contains mature theme/ Luna: Dudes, am I the only one that feels guilty for kicking out Lincoln like that? Stella: Uh, guys? She's just. uh, you know what? Leni: Lincolnwake up! Luan also used her baby brother Lincoln as a ventriloquist dummy and cheered him up along with her other sisters whenever he got upset. Luan: *In her sleep, cuddles her* Thanks for making me better Leni. Lori and Bobby come out of the house, head to their car and drive off.). He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad luck, once again. The other sisters look at each other in worry. She also wore a pink helmet with dark pink polka dots on it whenever riding her unicycle. Luna: I told you sis. (Everyone sighs in agreement. I was forced to leave because of you guys. All the sisters minus Lola, Lisa and Lynn: WHAT?! I think we'll take our orders to go. Age Bobby: (nervous) Uh, uh, yeah! Despite being skilled in the art of comedy, Luan's scholarship has had limited exploration in the series; however, she knows that 3.14159 equals Pi,[14] but she had trouble interpreting another one of Lisa's math problems when she dropped her comedy routine. Bobby: It's okay Babe, let's just go home so you can rest. Lori: Has anyone seen Lincoln? "Ok, so it was Luans turn it seems." Lori said handing the baby off to the family comedian. Examples are singer. Leni: *Yawns, falls asleep with Luan in her arms*, *Rita comes to Luna and Luan's room and peeks out of the door and sees Luan and Leni sleeping in her bed*. She stopped telling jokes, and smiled even less. What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? Leni: Oh yeah. *The 2 friends went to bed and woke up at 7am*, *The siblings (minus Lincoln) are now awake, at the table with bacon and pancakes as breakfast*. Please, dont be mad at me! (Later, everyone is at the golf course and at the first hole. I love you. Lincoln gave back Luan his assistant shirt and was walking downstairs to clean Garys (Luans rabbit) leftowers from one of Luans comedy props. ), (But suddenly, Lorifeels a pain coming. Despite Luan's occasional ruthlessness she is mostly friendly towards her siblings, especially to Leni and Luna. (Lori and Bobby look at each other and start laughing, confusing the others.). Or will NSL AU, unfortunately. *No response, Leni tried again, but no avail, which made Leni open the door and see the note*, *Everybody came to Lincoln's room, except Lynn Jr*, Dear Loud Sisters, If you are reading this note, I ran away at 4am and you discovered it after 7am. Luna: Bro, where are you? Bobby: Hey, little bro. We need to help Lincoln to feel better. Luna: Lincoln! Home Luan Loud loves to make people laugh. Lori: I can't believe this is happening. Lisa: It started snowing when Lana went outside. They all, except for Luna were having a group hug. "I'm not sure about that anymore." Luan was already gone. Luna (puts her hands on Luans shoulders): Dude! meross smart switch manual; triple crown softball world series 2022. The cake from yesterday. Lincoln is sick and I have no one to assist me. Luan: Sorry Luna. Lynn Jr: So? Why didn't I think of that?" Though Luan is typically one of the kinder siblings, she utterly loses control when it comes to pranks, particularly on April Fools' Day. She wears a yellow mask with a red diamond-shape over one eye and a black one over the other, a yellow and black jester's shirt, one yellow boot, and one black boot. Lynn Sr: Yeah! Her goal is to make the world laugh along with her, though some of her material still needs work. Luan is very intelligent, as she is able to outwit her family with her pranks;[5][12][13] in "Fool Me Twice", she hires the stunt family to ridicule the stunt double family with success; she also intimidates her parents to the point of them being too scared to punish her. Plot Synopsis: April Fools day has arrived, and Luan is up to no good with her pranks again. Stella's controlling them. I tried asking other sisters for help, but they didnt work out so well, so I thought you and Lori wouldnt help me. She puts her one her clown outfit and runs downstairs. Unlike Lincoln, Luan already knows that she cannot upload videos without her subject's permission. You are going on a party gig without Lincoln? She hiding outside Lori's house. Leni: What are they saying? Literally wrong! However, he acts disrespectful toward Lincoln, mocking him when Luke (Luna) uses him to clean the toilet, when Leon (Lily) bites his thumb instead of kissing it, and when they tease him about Ronnie Anne. The sisters are worried and are about to go downstairs, until Luans phone started ringing. The Loud Sick View source (It begins at the Loud House, Lincoln is sitting on the couch while playing a video game. Maybe tomorrow we'll do it! It's 4am Lincoln: It's a long story, but it's about my sisters Lincoln: You may wanna sit down for this *Clyde and Lincoln sat down, as Lincoln explained for 53 seconds, after that, Clyde was shocked and felt bad*. Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. Cristina Pucelli But I'm glad your here Leni. Mr. McBride: I agree with you. And for making me fall for that too! They hug again and the other sisters were moved by the touching moment. Luan (catching her breath): I am here. She occasionally jokes around in inappropriate situations, like making a prison joke while her mother is in jail,[9] and planning to tell Rita jokes about how old she is at her birthday party. Comon! We were protected with your luck and no jellyfish stung us! *The Loud Sisters minus Lynn leave the house, as it cuts to the McBride house, with Lincoln eating dinner, which is pierogis and rice and beans* Howard: That's rough, buddy. Lori: Lincoln, where is your squirrel suit?! at age 14 lincoln loud starts going through a goth phase. Don't give me that face, Lori. ok in this imma just do lynn cuz if u have seen the re Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Lisa: They don't move around that much. When she was a baby, she entertained her family with sock puppets. Lori: Well we were hoping you would like to go golfing with us. I think there is a bug and cold storm coming with snow. (Everyone leaves the house to tell the rest of the family about the big news.). What would happen if one caught feelings for one another. Clyde: (on his knees) But please forgive us for spying on you! Clyde: (to Lincoln) Buddy, you have to eat something. Her Christmas gift was a box of magicians' items. He didnt like it, but making his sister happy was all that matered to him. What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? And just how will they get through it? I'll be here for you and take good care of you while the others are out. She seems to be sensitive to criticism, as seen in "No Laughing Matter" when she becomes timid as a result of her siblings expressing blunt annoyance to her comedy routine and walks to her room on the verge of tears. Luan's Problem Chapter 1: A Birthday Disaster, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction It was another day at the Loud House; granted, there was ruckus as usual, but it is to be expected. Quote While Luan laughs at others' humiliations and often comes off as a nuisance to others, she does it with good intentions and does not mean to harm anyone as she just wants to make people laugh. The final chapter of my Loud House fanfiction!Music used:Temple Of Seasons Remix - Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsEternal Hope - Kevin MacLeodThe Purest Sky And Sea - Touhou Project: Concealed The ConclusionIf you enjoyed today's video, leave a like and comment in the comment section down below, and be sure to hit the subscribe button if your new. Lori: (sweetly) It's okay. In this story, Lincoln has to deal with a lot of crazy events, like family arguements, gang wars, and tragic losses. Luan: I will do my best. *As soon as he finished that sentence, Lily came down*, *Lily wanted to be carried by Lincoln, so he carried her. [5] This is the only time of the year where Luan is thoughtless and cruel to her entire family. So, yeah. It will start in a few minutes. W You and your parents are moving to a neighborhood you know nothing about looking for a fresh start. In the end, Lincoln tells Luan that the moving truck has mostly empty boxes, but the boxes with stuff in them have all of her stuff, which makes Luan chase after the truck. In the comic, she is summoned by Savvy (played by Lincoln) alongside the rest of Savvy's deck (played by the rest of her sisters) to help him and One-Eyed Jack (played by Clyde) to defeat the gas monster. Around ages ten and eleven, she owned a unicycle which she used for a juggling act involving apples and bowling pins. Keep reading to find out! It is strongly implied she inherited her sense of humor from. *He goes to his room with Lily in his hands, he lets her go in his bed, as he closes the door*. Lincoln: Well Lori, Bobby and I were suppose to redo today the golf course yesterday. Anyways, we should try our best to help our only male sibling to feel better. After few hours have gone buy, Luna and Luan were going back home. I forgive you. At age six, Luan was the middle child when Lucy was born. Why are you all upset? In an alternate universe where the sisters are brothers, Luan is a boy named Lane. Completed adventure loriloud mutant +14 more # 14 The Loud-Flash (The Loud House x T. by SkipTheDip 19.6K 325 16 And I dont have anyone else as a temporary assistant, until Lincoln gets better. Pfft!! I dont know what would I do without Lincoln. Clyde: Wow, that is very clever. Lincoln: Well, do you have any better ideas? Non-permitted web videos of othersHer pranks being ruinedLincoln being bulliedScience fiction movies (sometimes)Missing April Fool's DayPrincess PonySophisticated partiesKnock-knock jokes (sometimes)Nobody liking her comedyLynn being competitiveWrong punchlinesHaving her leftovers being stolenStage frightBeing too shyHer spotlight being takenSomeone gets attention more than herLola's bratty behaviorSomeone more talented than herJapanese mecha figuresPimples/zitsMr. Another party gig today? She played the "saw someone in half" trick with Lily. To be a comedian At least I won't be in a squirrel suit anymore. Why did you guys think of that? the stomach pain, the thermometer, and the conversation you two were having. The title of this fanfic is based on the title of the 2017 movie "The Big Sick". In "Making the Case," Luan is one of five sisters with no trophy in the case. ", Luan and her siblings altered history, causing their parents to decide not to have any kids in the future. Lori got really sick and now she only has a couple months left to live. Cause, it looks like you're not looking good. Lincoln: Alright then, well I'm gonna go to my room now. Cashier: (calls out) Order for table number 3! Hahahaha. But, I'll be fine. *Then after 44 seconds of silence and eating, Leni says something*. She once made macaroni art in fourth grade and won first prize for it. ), (Leni, Clyde, and Cameron grab their burgers and eat them. In "Fool's Paradise," after her family made Luan taste her own medicine, she promised the next April Fools will be even worse than before. I hope they don't beat me up over this *He opens his door and notices his sisters are angry at him except Lily, who heard and saw everything secretly*. *Lynn Jr goes to her room in regret, as everybody else ate dinner. Luan wears three gag squirt flowers in every episode she appears in, with one on her shirt and the other two on her shoes. After the pain, he went on his bed and sobbed until he fell asleep. Lincoln and Luan were at Lunas and Luans room. Lynn: I'll find something that will help. Bobby puts his arms around her.). It just what you guys call me. Remember, you made me do this, guys. Coconuts (dummy/soulmate)GigglesColonel Crackers (former)The Santiago familyThe Casagrande family (Lincoln is at the Burpin' Burger along with Leni, Clyde, and Cameron.). Lincoln: Oh hey Bobby! He climbed out his window and walked away. Likewise, Luan gets jealous of Lucy surpassing her lifelong dream of becoming the youngest performer of Royal Woods Theater and becomes obsessively possessive of her upon discovery of the news. Lori asked whilst holding the baby in need of a new diaper. I almost forgot. For the part where Lynn Jr didn't go downstairs to eat and started to regret what she did, Lola and Lisa were planned to be there, but I decided to not do that because the parents weren't there at the moment and Lisa learned it was fake so it would be strange for her to have the talk after she learned the flaws in her ways. Lori: No Leni. You know, just for a little fun time together. Lincoln: Hey, let's go home. When Luan was eight years old, she wore a sleeveless yellow dress with a checkerboard pattern and white undershirt underneath, light pink socks that were worn all the way up, and black Mary Jane shoes. "Besides, I'm sure Ronnie Anne understands." He reassured. You probablyfeelterrible. We have to check it out. Luan is a very goofy and fun-loving girl with an enthusiasm for comedy and making puns. Lincoln: Let's get out through your window Lisa. Rita: Hey Lincoln come on. It was Wednsday morning and all Loud, except for Lincoln all went downstairs for breakfest. (Giggles) You sure are gassy today!! During this day, her pranks can be even more dangerous than usual like when she placed pitfalls in every corner of the house, transforming the entire house into a lethal comedy trap. I think I just felt a little stomachache. Lincoln: Finally! According to Lisa in episode 20 of the Nick Animation Podcast, Luan doesn't go to the movies. Then Luan got a sudden realisation. Loud House: Infection of the Dead By: MrPotassiumK Zombie Apocalypse: A plague has run rampant around the globe, infecting people and turning them into "roamers." In the wake of the apocalypse, the Louds must go through great lengths to ensure their survival, even if it may mean losing their humanity in the process. Luan: Thanks again for helping me Linc. But lately she's been sad. ), (Lincoln and Bobby turns to Lori and sees her holding her stomach in pain. ComedyPulling pranks on her siblingsMaking puns and jokesMaking prank callsMaking funny videosFunny internet videosWhoopee cushionsThrowing piesApril Fool's DayMr. ), (Lori drops her ball on the tee. Lincoln: (hugs Lori) Congratulations Lori! In the mini-comic "Deuces Wild!," Luan interprets the superheroine called "The Joker," who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. Get it? Lana: *To Lola* You could have told me that I would've taken a net with me so I can get it and make a joke with it! Luan: (let out of a squeaky fart and sighs happily) *Blushes* Sorry. I thought she was the nice one, but I guess I was wrongsame with you Luna! Dislikes (leaves), (Cameron walks towards the counter and grabs the order.). Thats all that maters. What do I do? Stella, can you please zoom the drone closer towards the table? Hey Lori! Luan's immaturity is also exhibited through her possession of toys of the novelty variety, which are a frequent use in her comedy routine, most especially her dummy, Mr. Coconuts. Lincoln answers it and it reveals to be Lori and Bobby.). (looks down) But, I guess a lot of people die young. Lori put her hand on Lincolns forhead and gasped in horror. Shes also a really good ventriloquist just ask her dummy, Mr. Coconuts! You might want to check out up the other drone right now. "I think it was Lincoln's turn" Luan said before realizing that their brother was banned from the house. Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. Bobby and Lori have left the building. (In her head) I hope. I can't anymoreI need to show myself to themone by one, perhaps? She is also quite neurotic and socially awkward whenever faced with the world's consequences, yet remains obedient to reality. Rita: I don't know at all. at age 14 lincoln loud starts going through a goth phase. His stomache is. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! On some occasions she can get angry when drama unbreaks in her family; like when she fought against her siblings to obtain a seat in Vanzilla,[6] when she and her siblings destroyed the whole house looking for money,[7] or when Luan and her siblings argued. No, Lynn started this all with her stupid superstitions and her stupid games. She loves pulling pranks on her siblings and frequently makes puns for every situation, causing her to get on everyone's nerves. She is shown to be mature enough to babysit along with her three older siblings.[11]. Anyways, sweet dreams girls. No more squirrel suit! In another alternate dimension where he is the brother to a female version of Lincoln named Linka, he is shown to be deeply caring for her. She's always happy and perky. Lori: Well, we might be upset, but I will never stay mad at you. Lincoln has had it. "I'm not sure about that anymore." In ". However, this episode also shows a jealous side to her, as Luan holds a grudge against Lucy for surpassing her dream of becoming the youngest performer at the Royal Woods Theater; although, she eventually drops her selfishness and encourages Lucy to do her performance. "Okay." Lori said, though not quite convinced. I have to know! She also owned another ventriloquist dummy (before Mr. Coconuts) named Colonel Crackers. It played so much, he didn't like the beach anymore.*.
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