The fourth tier is the central banks (all owned by the Rothschild family) ex: central Bank of London, Vatican Bank, and Federal reserve, just to name a few. Putin and the Kremlin have also kept a steady dialogue with the World Economic Forum, the project of the now notorious globalist Klaus Schwab. Its harder and harder to discern the truth these days. This is part of the sistema of a Marxist state. ZOG East and ZOG West are owned by the same Ruling Cabal. Rothschild is still operating in Russia and the CIS. are branding the Russian president as Authoritarian . The following and China's temporary drop of purchases of dollars have been ignored by the MSM, but will have widespread geopolitical consequences. No.6. OFAC published Russia-related Directive 1A under Executive Order 14024, to further expand existing prohibitions on transactions related to certain Russian sovereign debt. Hitlers amazing speeches in Mein Side of the Story: If being a Jew is a matter of race or genealogy, then one could more easily distinguish the two groups. Meanwhile big pharmas silent world war carries on , Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Lincoln asked the Tsar for help during the war and Russia sent fleets to San Francisco and New York with threats to intervene if the British, Spanish or French . Perhaps they could start by shutting down some Banks. For January 1973 the debt clock was at $458, 231,678,732 with just 13.4 million people. Our President does not listen to us and tells the whole world that the Russian people support him. We know that technologies advance. lolol But reinstalled their most heinous proxies. 20 February 2023. However, if being a Jew is a matter of religion, then it is a question of denominationalism within Judaism itself. The Bank of Russia has defended its independence after Friday's surprise cut in interest rates raised concerns about the influence of the Kremlin, industrialists and bankers over the central . The problem is that this paedophile ring consisted of 11 Jewish gangsters, and the Italian broadcast media had been so bold as to inform their more than 11 million viewers of such, and even go so far as to broadcast footage of these Jewish gangsters arrests! Gold made up 23% of . The Rothschild family never controlled Russia. How many countries has USA invaded? Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars. February 24, 2022 Flood of falsity: AAP boasts Shiksha, BJP blames Sharaab for Sisodia arrest, HATE AGAINST INDIA: Pak media, Twitter handles attempt to make #Khalistan viral, Fact Check: YouTuber Armaan Malik is a Hindu, allegation of love jihad because of two Hindu wives, United States of Lies: Misleading and moronic claims made by Nithyananda and his Kailasa A Fact Check Detour. Libya. Russia intervened and prevented this coup from succeeding. I thought I was the only Australian aware of international Jewish banksters (and their puppets in governments in financial circles in UK, US, France, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc) plan for world domination and only Hitler, and now Putin, stood in their way. The Russian state depended on alcohol taxes to remain solventit is estimated that 40% of state revenues came from alcohol sales in 1860. . This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal. Do you see any similarities here? p82, In 1918 the real purpose of Communism becomes apparent less than a year after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the stealing of the wealth of the people (especially the Rothschilds favourite Gold!) Even those who hate the post Christian, Marxist Leninist states of the subverted Western nations can take one look at the skyline of all major Russian cities and Astana tell you that in no way has Vlad kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia. Surprise surprise. The world needs a new direction always was a great money spinner after all. ITS NOT LIKE THAT. The Chazars today make up the eastern European Jews known as Ashkenazimnamed after Togarmas brother. His reports reveal that what is happening on the ground is not what Western corporate media would have you believe. In 1791, Washington was undecided about a central bank and asked Hamilton for advice after . After emergence of Amritpal Singh, an Swami Nithyananda, a rape accused and fugitive from India, figured in news debates and Four years after the Balakot strike and India-Pakistan air combat, the dog-fight seems to A video is getting viral on social media. Every pundit & his fleas describes this a the corollary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Headquartered in Basel -Switzerland, and is recognised by all counties as being the top bank of all financial institutions on the world. JUST LOOK AT THE DATE BELOW THE PICTURE OF PUTIN. The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge . Trump's victory will liberate all other countries from the Rothschild control of all central banks and bring freedom to people everywhere. They are the government which operates under Roman Civil Law outside of the Constitution. Therefore, there might be more bullshit in the . NYT March 19, 1939. Once again the USA and NATO along with it, are interfering in a place they shouldnt be. It is historical. By the 1970s, three Rothschild banks remained: the London and Paris branches and a Swiss bank founded by Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild (1926-1997). Slideshow ( 3 . And if they want to join NATO why shouldnt they its their country, let them be allied with whoever they want. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855). Ukrainians must re-learn co-existence with Russia, like Finns. Check out the hardware on the side bar. Something like our original Commonwealth Bank when it was under the governorship of Denison Miller. This is not about a couple of separatist republics who want to be under Russian rule and probably they do after Russian population transfers into them. The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: -Sudan. Iraq can be cited as an example. This is playing with nuclear fire. That was true. Most Christian prophecy teachers, being ignorant of the Khazar factor, are still looking for a future Russian invasion of Israel. One has to wonder whether the Jews most holy book, the Talmud, had any influence on these Jewish paedophiles. Wait until Marienko unleashes the Kraken with retaliatory and REAL sanctions. This kingdom was largely unknown to the general population until Arthur Koestler wrote about its history in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe. Indeed, one of these . (here). Good statecraft demands that Washington move mountains to settle the conflict in Ukraine in which it has no vital national interest but faces nuclear peril. Kicked out the rothschilds? It should not have to be pointed out that the Ukrainians do not want Russian population transfers of Russians who want Russian government, Russian Muslims who want Sharia Law etc, Anymore than Central European nations want these kind of transfers / imports by their internationalist / Marxist leaders. His lawsuit tells a . Putin is chabad lubavitch tool. Ukraine and Australia have much in common. OK , ask yourself how many military resources Russia still has in Kazakhstan. And yes some are foot soldiers but what do you mean by the jews bankers zionists internationalists? -Libya. From the standpoint of national security, no one wants nuclear missiles on their borders. But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? Never did I think of saying .GOOD ON YOU VLAD !!!!!! Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders. There's no evidence supporting the claim, which was first published in 2016 and has . Another Leader with his boots on the ground. Im just wanting further truth. Bookmark the permalink. Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege. The first section of Volume IV begins: CHAZARS: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews in Russia. So does this support Putin the puppet? The Jewish Encyclopedia goes on to quote from the letter (960 A.D.) written by King Joseph of the Chazars to Hasdai ibn Shaprut, to the Jewish court doctor in Cordoba, Spain. In 1982, President Francois Mitterrand's . Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina. and there is no one like Hitler, nor like Putin in Germany today, who will stand up against the internationalists for his country. Russia has vetoed a vote at the UN Security Council condemning Russias invasion of Ukraine. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006. Emagine if Australia actually Had a leader. He is impressed and vows to continue to supply funds to these colonies in furtherance of a long-term Rothschild objective of creating a Rothschild owned Jewish state. What aid Russia receives from the West goes straight to the Jewish banking cabal also. There is another consideration. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates USA responds with sanctions. The Story of the Commonwealth Railway and the Note Issue. Citing the financial crises engineered by the banks, Jackson spent his first term weeding out Rothschild agents from the government. 1856, Aussie Cossack exposes Cowboy Cops of Coffs Harbour, View our extensive video library on RMBLE by clicking the picture or link, PLEASE ,,,, use this encryption for whistleblower information or similar, Do Not send comments or general chit chat go to contact on the menu bar .Thank you,, Click on the picture above to read all our publications about Port Arthur, APRadio, You need to read this factual inquiry of 70 year old farmer Ruth Downey who has her cattle slaughtered by the RSPCA and the nursing calves left without their mothers, NO FOOD. Putin made the most of high energy prices and paid off the Talmudic Central banksters debt. According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders. This happened quietly during March 2020, and . The missile defense systems are continuing to be positioned. When Russia abandoned Europe for Asia, it closed the door for any sustained growth to the Rothschild empire while opening up a tremendous Russia-Asia market. He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and handled by the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former US Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to foment a revolution there; and Frank Cole, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. Then again, people were fleeing to Poland. Nato has been putting its nose into the Ukraine in direct breach of all agreements made at the time of the breakup of the old USSR. Which Putin approved in 2016. 1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates. There is lots of loose talk about chemical and nuclear weapons all designed to scare the other side. United Kingdom: Bank of England. pp170-171, In 1980 the global phenomenon of privatisation increases dramatically. Kelensky better watch his back or hell end up like Epstein. But the pro-Russians have weak leadership and the current government forces see themselves as world heroes backed by NATO which is another name for American military power. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. It has a blue border at the top and the bottom which represents the Nile and Euphrates rivers. Realise too that corporations are not a separate and distinct entity from the government. It was Putin the Great who brought Russia back to a point where, by 2016, he was able to talk tough and back it up. Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by an elite 1% - but did you know that one family, the Rothschilds, rule everything, even that elite 1%? In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: Afghanistan. With Ezekiel 38 and 39 fulfilled a century ago, we are now seeing the end of the Gog-Magog war. Bu in 20 years, he has showed that he is first, a Russian, and primarily fights for the Russian people. So, a president who will stand up and lead under a Communist invasion this could pay for all. Suckerswho is the Authoritarian?? We certainly cannot trust the mainstream media which has proven itself a cheer squad for the Globalists. 5 Min Read. Wider regional coverage is supported by a long-standing partnership in Ukraine. Especially if MSM are running it. The prime goal of the US should be to end the Ukraine conflict and stop pouring weapons and encouragement into Ukraine. Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, 1939: USA responds with sanctions. NO WAR!, Reference: twitter by seefirefly Russia Therefore, Putins claim of nationalizing the central bank and creating a new Russian currency to end Rothschilds control is false. The former heavy weight champion boxer is not behind a desk or hiding. They therefore gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them to Russia to drum up a revolution for the benefit of the common man, which was actually a takeover of Russia by a Rothschild controlled Jewish elite. This was not a Russian Revolution but a Jewish Revolution in Russia. Also former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich first announced the Russian governments plan to ban GMO at an international biotechnology conference in 2015. If Vlad is shelling Kiev, he is going to take over. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates Rothschild Martin Maurel. Of course they want their prize agent/puppethe knows where all the bodies are buried (Hunter Obiden et al) and they cant risk him rolling over.