Every earlier study of fluvoxamine (such as observational studies) showed it work and the mechanism had been shown. The NIH wrote a bullshit rejection because the FDA told them not to approve it. Other SSRIs work as well, but fluvoxamine activates the Sigma-1 receptor the most of the SSRIs which is why it was chosen. But not 150K. Dr. Joe Ladapo wrote a brilliant op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, "Too much caution is killing COVID patients." There are other non-prescription things you should always have on hand. And, according to three members of CETFs scientific advisory board, he put pressure on them to promote fluvoxamine for clinical use without conclusive data that it worked for covid. Those days are gone. Now weve lost the high ground, Morris told me. And he wont talk to you either if you ask nosy questions like Cliff, my risk benefit analysis shows you should be rushing to recommend this drug. If you cant lay off the java, then try fluoxetine (Prozac). Hes spending his own money to do what he thinks is right. This is the #1 ranked best answer to "COVID treatment" on Quora: Presentation on how fear of trying something new is what keeps us shutdown and leads to unnecessary loss of life: The Lenze fluvoxamine RCT that was published in JAMA on November 12, 2020 showed a 100% success rate in preventing hospitalization. Long haul. We now have a viable solution to reduce COVID hospitalization and mortality; Say you just got diagnosed with COVID. Hes probably the closest thing Kirsch has to a nemesis, regularly disputing his assertions in blog posts and private email exchanges with Kirsch and his friends. Sage Hana. David Boulware, a researcher at the University of Minnesota, received $125,000 to test the drug against covid. The incident, he added, was completely in keeping with his personality.. We need to keep people out of the hospital in the first place. While combining the results of several well-designed trials can strengthen an argument or unearth patterns unseen in smaller samples, a meta-analysis is just the sum of its parts; any single well-done experiment is more useful than combining the results of several poorly done ones. Doctors who have used fluvoxamine in the US and other countries swear by it. . I wanted to get the article out before my flight left. I have never heard of a case it didn't work. See my article on treatments. Article about the rejection (Stat News) Article about the fluvoxamine rejection (The Verge) NIH is still unsure whether fluvoxamine should be used to treat COVID (article I did after the TOGETHER trial). It cant be more clear than this. Author Affiliations . It should be crystal clear to everyone that the current CDC guidelines for treating COVID aren't working. Doctors wait for government permission (EUA or added to the NIH guidelines) before using a drug. What has alarmed many of the scientists associated with CETF, though, are Kirschs reactions to the work hes fundedboth successes and failures. I have all of these on hand and I load up on vitamin D3 every day. Stopping the meds will return you to your normal self. See the repository above. The anecdotal data of 100% success rates is further icing on the cake. Fluvoxamine was reportedly added to just 2 practice guidelines (Ontario and Johns Hopkins). Independent appraisal committee votes 11-2 that the evidence is not adequate to demonstrate a net health benefit for molnupiravir over symptomatic care alone; Paxlovid and fluvoxamine receive more favorable votes. Medicine has been transformed to doing whatever the NIH/FDA says, regardless of how many lives will be lost. [4] Steve Kirsch - Silicon Valley Philanthropist Shares Review of CDC Data: COVID-19 Vaccine Associated with 100X Deaths Compared to Influenzas [5] Steve Kirsch - FOIA Document for Vaccine Discussion as to mRNA-based Vaccine Safety Signals Added 12th August 2021: just like ivermectin). It is perhaps the greatest unnecessary loss of life in American history. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a class of anti-depressants, mostly prescribed for people suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Pretty much nothing changed when the Phase 3 trial confirmed fluvoxamine worked. Fluvoxamine - The backstory T he i nsi de st ory behi nd how f l uvoxami ne became a CO V I D t herapy By Steve Kirsch Last updated: June 3, 2021 . ICER Publishes Final Evidence Report and Policy Recommendations on Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 - ICER. After publication of the recommendation in December 2021, the NIH did absolutely nothing change their recommendation. Here are my answers. If the drug is started right after symptoms, weve seen 100% prevention in hospitalization. It used to be that a Phase 3 study would do it. It was recommended back in January 2021 by a key opinion leader (KOL) panel to be used, but it took a year for the KOL meeting notes to be published because they were rejected by 10 journals. Then he hosted a superspreader event. He thinks # killed by vax could be anywhere between 0 and 150K people dead.. We don't know why the NIH panel is ignoring fluvoxamine and we aren't allowed to find out. . Steve is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) at the beginning of the pandemic. Hes adept at debate, rapidly shifting the premise of a conversation to put the other person on the back foot. So check the side-effects list to be familiar with which side-effects are associated with which drug so if you have a side-effect, youll know which drug to reduce or eliminate. ICER, a non-profit known as the nations drug pricing watchdog, did a review of the evidence and determined that fluvoxamine evidence is superior to Molnupiravir. JAMA systematic review and meta analysis It doesnt get any better than this. I also think it makes a lot of sense to look for pre-existing drugs that can help treat covid symptoms. The documents in the data room discuss all eight (you'll need access to the restricted area to see the presentation on all 8). including the very promising Fluvoxamine. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. Server IP address resolved: Yes Http response code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. The results would, eventually, set Kirsch on a collision course with the scientific establishment. Eventually, a press representative who was listening in, David Satterfield, unmuted his microphone to suggest we finish our conversation by email. NIH doesnt want you to get the drug since it would compete with Molnupiravir, so fluvoxamine will never make the NIH guidelines. The infectious disease scientists lied to me. You can use fluoxetine as well (aka Prozac). With covid, 80% of your patient population does just peachy with no treatment at all, just a little bed rest and fluid. That study was featured on 60 Minutes. But they will refuse to give it to you even after being proven in a Phase 3 trial that was approved by the WHO. Expect similar things to happen when Eiger applies for an EUA for interferon lambda, a drug with a 89% efficacy in phase 3 trials. I think so. Steve Kirsch said scientists and clinicians are studying a host of drugs and therapeutics to create a new line of defence against the virus but clinical trials are yet to lead to conclusive. A video presentation by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund. Note: normally I have lots of hyperlinks to all the sources, but Im pressed for time. So there were too few events in the placebo group and they werent recruiting fast enough. Thirty minutes past the end of our scheduled time, he dropped his phone in the cupholder of his Tesla so that he could keep talking while he ran an errand. But I know something else that few other people know, thanks to a source at the NIH: the NIH was planning to approve fluvoxamine months ago, but they got a call from the FDA telling them not to. This story is part of the Pandemic Technology Project, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. The choice couldn't be more clear cut. The board members I spoke to say they refused to publicly promote any drugs for off-label use and tried to explain to Kirsch that its incredibly common for exciting results from small trials to disappear in larger ones. Silence from the medical community. You cannot get any better than that. O, Platelet reactivity to thrombin differs between patients with COVID-19 and those with ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 | Blood Advances | American Society of Hematology, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund stk@treatearly.org 650-279-1008, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund stk@treatearly.org 650-279-1008, Drug Repurposing Research Leads to Potentially Game-Changing Treatment to Prevent Clinical Deterioration in Outpatients With COVID, The Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund was launched to provide funding for research in order to, Steve Kirschs answer to What is the current treatment for Covid-19? Dosage there is 30mg once a day. It is not unusual to be wary of developing science, or wrong to be skeptical of pharmaceutical companies. But the potential upsides. What happens when your prescription drug becomes the center of covid misinformation. In severe cases, it takes longer. She understands complex, politicized pandemicsshe was one of the first clinicians to specialize in HIV/AIDS, and she sat on the FDA advisory panel that approved the first antiretroviral drug. Unfortunately, as Jeffrey Morris at UPenn points out, public health officials and scientists have done plenty to undermine their own authority, like claiming masks dont work, downplaying the natural immunity conveyed by previous covid infections, and not doing enough public communication about vaccine safety surveillance systems. 33. Items included in the Television News search service. Since FLV is a safe drug, it should have been widely discussed with patients that there is virtually no downside and a huge reduction in hospitalization if the drug is given early. Please. The NIH did nothing despite the fact the that NIH, FDA, CDC, and academic institutions participated in the panel, this is NOT about the science. Its sad, but its true, he told me. Since then, he has continued to promote fluvoxamine, along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Steve wanted to say, Look, Ive got all these famous [infectious disease] docs and researchers, and they all say give fluvoxamine a chance, Judith Feinberg, one of the former CETF advisory board members and vice chair of research at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, told me. Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. When you need to characterize me, you need to say that Steve Kirsch doesnt go with majority votes on interpreting data, he told me when I asked about his views on ivermectin, which he insists is a silver bullet against covid. Can I see your risk-benefit analysis?. There are at least eight mechanisms of action that we think contribute to the effectiveness of this drug. We pretty much practice government agency opinion medicine all over the world now, with just a few exceptions. 47).. And FrameMaker is still a niche product. My experience is very typical. The ongoing battle between social-media companies and covid-19 misinformation pushersincluding US president Donald Trumpstepped up again this week thanks to a new viral video. Note: normally I have lots of hyperlinks to all the sources, but Im pressed for time. If you start later, doctors use higher dosages and compliance becomes a bigger problem. This is why Cliff doesnt talk to me. Completely avoid caffeine, alcohol, tylenol, and benadryl. Last Checked: 03/03/2023. Personal life. The group who declined the drug were very sick with 12.5% requiring hospitalization and one died. Now they turn to Rust. Share this post. So it was both obvious and convincing the difference between the groups to the workers and the track management. Steve Kirsch, current director of the Covid 19 Early Treatment fund is an MIT alumni who has made a career as a tech entrepreneur. See more below. Author Affiliations Article Information. We could have saved a lot of lives. For example, tylenol+caffeine+fluvoxamine can lead to serotonin syndrome. Generally, at 50mg BID x 14, it is very tolerable as long as the patient is instructed to lay off the caffeine. May 16, 2022. This advice is now outdated. The data we have today with just 2 clinical trials (RCT and confirmatory RWE) is compelling. Sadly, doctors and public health officials refuse to instruct patients to seek early treatment. . Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund stk@treatearly.org 650-279-1008 Google Docs This is a more comprehensive look at the key evidence supporting fluvoxamine: Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 There may be a depression of libido while on drug, but since the drug is taken on acute basis, this is only temporary and it reverses once the drug is stopped. On January 22, 2021, thirty key opinion leaders (KOL) from NIH, CDC, and leading academic institutions met to review the evidence for using fluvoxamine for treating COVID. Added to FLCCC protocols and Fareed-Tyson protocol among others. skirsch.io. All the medical journals refused to publish the meeting notes (rejected by 6 journals). MisinformationKills. Seftel was able to duplicate the 100% protection from hospitalization and death in the treatment group, vs. a 12.5% hospitalization/death rate for the No treatment group. Elsewhere he has said he began questioning vaccine safety after an unnamed Twitter follower told him several family members died after getting their shots. If you ask your doctor for any evidence that fluvoxamine doesnt work or is harmful (like a DB-RCT which is the only thing they trust), they will show you nothing. That way you can start immediately. He started 7 high tech companies, two with billion dollar market caps. He was recently featured on 60 Minutes, . That way you can start immediately. Medicine isnt about saving lives anymore. Compulsive fiddling with your mask? Other SSRIs work as well, but fluvoxamine activates the Sigma-1 receptor the most of the SSRIs which is why it was chosen. NIH is still unsure whether fluvoxamine should be used to treat COVID. Patients should be advised to limit/avoid the use of caffeine while on the drug since fluvoxamine extends the half life of caffeine (making you super wired).
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